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Pet Circus

Fluval Plant & Shrimp Stratum

Fish Supplies

  • Fluval Plant & Shrimp Stratum

Fluval Plant & Shrimp Stratum

Fish Supplies


Collected from the mineral-rich foothills of Mount Aso Volcano in Japan, Fluval Stratum makes an ideal alternative substrate for planted aquariums and those featuring shrimp.

  • Encourages strong plant growth – roots easily penetrate and spread throughout substrate to obtain key nutrients
  • Porous structure allows for rapid colonization of beneficial nitrifying bacteria
  • Helps support neutral to slightly acidic pH – ideal for most plants, tropical fish and shrimp normally kept in planted aquariums
  • Provides newborn shrimp with a refuge from predators until they are large enough to emerge
  • Will not discolour water and helps control organic discolouration when natural driftwood is present
  • For use in freshwater aquariums