Enviro Fresh Chew Prevent

Dog Supplies

  • Enviro Fresh Chew Prevent

Enviro Fresh Chew Prevent

Dog Supplies


Smells Great, Tastes Bad, Dries Fast. The more humane way to train your pets. Pets learn to associate the smell with the bad taste. 

Additional Information:

  • Prevents pets from chewing and licking just about anything they find interesting
  • Safe for indoor use
  • Can be used outdoors to keep stray animals away
  • Can also be used on garbage bins to keep raccoons away
  • Made in Canada


  • Shake before using
  • Set sprayer to mist
  • Apply light amount to surface
  • Please note, every pet will have a different level of sensitivity to the product
  • Reapply when needed, typically every 2-5 days
  • Always test for colorfastness by spraying a hidden area and waiting 24 hours


  • Filtered water, bitter agents, isopropyl alcohol, fragrance.