Animal Treasures Sisal Spring Pom Cat Toy - 9"

Cat Supplies

  • Animal Treasures Sisal Spring Pom Cat Toy - 9"

Animal Treasures Sisal Spring Pom Cat Toy - 9"

Cat Supplies

The 9" Animal Treasures Sisal Spring Pom Cat Toy provides the opportunity for your cat to burn off a little bit of energy with some physical and mental stimulation. The toy is constructed on a sturdy fabric base with a long flexible spring leading up to a brightly colored, fuzzy pom pom on top. When your cat hits or swats at this pom pom, it will move erratically due to the spring and provide your cat with unpredictable movements that trigger their natural predatory behaviour. The Animal Treasures Sisal Spring Pom Cat Toy is significantly more exciting for your cat than a standard, stationary toy, as they will be able to play with this on their own, even when you are away.